System requirements
PHP Version: | 7.0.33-76+0~20240802.89+debian12~1.gbpafbf6f |
Curl extension: | Installed |
GD extension: | Installed |
Mbstring extension: | Installed |
Mcrypt extension: | Installed |
Mysql extension: | Not Installed |
Mysqli extension: | Installed |
SQLite extension: | Not Installed |
PDO extension: | Installed |
PDO MySQL Driver: | Installed |
PDO SQLite Driver: | Installed |
JSON support: | Installed |
shm memory support: | Installed |
Python: | Not installed | >= 2.5.0 required |
Python uno: | Installed |
php.ini display_errors: | disabled |
php.ini memory_limit: | 256M |
php.ini allow_url_fopen: | Enabled |
php.ini safe_mode: | Disabled |
php.ini short_open_tag: | Disabled |
php.ini file_uploads: | Enabled |
exiftool: | Not Instaled (Needed to extract MP3 metadata) |
zip: | Not Instaled (Needed for office support) |
unzip: | Not Instaled (Needed for office support) |
soffice: | Not Instaled (Needed for office support) |
You are free to continue with the installation even if there are some missing requirements in your server. However, if you want a full experience in your eyeOS, it is strongly recommended to have all the requirements installed before proceeding.
If you proceed with any element in red or orange, you can expect random failures in your eyeOS and data loss.